Ical Citadel Denies Deal with SBY's dislodged Sri Mulyani
Fitraya Ramadhanny - detikNews Fitraya Ramadhanny - detikNews
Jakarta - Ketua Umum DPP Partai Golkar Aburizal Bakrie disebut-sebut bersepakat dengan Presiden SBY untuk mencopot Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani pada Februari 2010 terkait kasus Bank Century. Jakarta - General Chairman of Golkar Party DPP Aburizal Bakrie cited the president agreed to remove the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani in February 2010 related to the case of Century Bank. Kubu Ical membantah. Ical faction denied.
"Pak Ical tidak pernah membahas itu (pencopotan Menkeu). Pak Ical fokus pada agenda konsolidasi organisasi sampai Juni 2010," kata Wasekjen DPP Partai Golkar Lalu Mara Satriawangsa kepada detikcom, Senin (18/1/2010). "Pak Ical never discussed it (dismissal Ministry of Finance). Mr. Ical focus on the consolidation of the organization's agenda until June 2010," said DPP Golkar Wasekjen Then Mara Satriawangsa to AFP on Monday (18/1/2010).
Kesepakatan Ical dan SBY disebut-sebut terjadi pada Minggu (17/1/2010) kemarin. Ical and SBY agreement mentioned happened on Sunday (17.1.2010) yesterday. Namun menurut Lalu, Ical disibukkan dengan agenda partai sepanjang akhir pekan lalu. However, according Then, Ical busy with the party's agenda throughout the weekend.
"Pak Ical dari sejak Sabtu (16/1/2010) ada di Aceh, terus lanjut ke Medan. Agendanya pelantikan Ketua DPD Partai Golkar. Dari situ ke Lampung, penobatan sebagai tokoh adat," jelas Lalu. "Pak Ical from since Saturday (16.1.2010) in Aceh, and hold up to Medan. The agenda inauguration DPD Golkar Party chairman. From there to Lampung, the coronation as traditional leaders," explained then.
Bagaimana dengan deal melalui telepon? What about the deal over the phone? "Tidak ada seperti itu," jawab Lalu. "Nothing like that," said Then. Lalu Mara mengaku belum mengetahui kegiatan Ical untuk hari ini. Then Mara admitted not knowing Ical events for this day.
Sumber: Source:
http://www.detiknews..com/read/2010/...yani?991101605 http://www.detiknews..com/read/2010/...yani?991101605
Palace denies any agreement with Bakrie / Ical / Golkar ..
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